Edgewood Community Park
Edgewood, WA
The 18-acre pastoral park site, formerly used for agriculture, includes a wetland that began as a farm pond created long ago. The master plan located major passive and active elements on the east side of the property to capture the topography of the site, optimize accessibility, and limit grading. A loop trail through the meadow is aligned with the slope to offer an accessible and interesting pedestrian experience and provide an accessible route of travel for all. The play area includes fun, all-inclusive opportunities that highlight the agricultural theme of the park.
Edgewood, WA
The 18-acre pastoral park site, formerly used for agriculture, includes a wetland that began as a farm pond created long ago. The master plan located major passive and active elements on the east side of the property to capture the topography of the site, optimize accessibility, and limit grading. A loop trail through the meadow is aligned with the slope to offer an accessible and interesting pedestrian experience and provide an accessible route of travel for all. The play area includes fun, all-inclusive opportunities that highlight the agricultural theme of the park.

Amenities within the park are arranged to fit the contour of the land.